

What is a Man-in-the-browser attack?

Man-in-the-browser (MITB, MitB, MIB, MiB), a form of Internet threat related to man-in-the-middle (MITM), is a proxy Trojan horse that infects a web browser by taking advantage of vulnerabilities in browser security to modify web pages, modify transaction content or insert additional transactions, all in a completely covert fashion invisible to both the user and host web application. A MitB attack will be successful irrespective of whether security mechanisms such as SSL/PKI and/or two or three-factor Authentication solutions are in place. A MitB attack may be countered by utilising out-of-band transaction verification, although SMS verification can be defeated by man-in-the-mobile (MitMo) malware infection on the mobile phone. Trojans may be detected and removed by antivirus software with a 23% success rate against Zeus in 2009, and still low rates in 2011. The 2011 report concluded that additional measures on top of antivirus were needed. A related, more simple attack is the boy-in-the-browser (BitB, BITB). The majority of financial service professionals in a survey considered MitB to be the greatest threat to online banking.


The man-in-the-browser threat was demonstrated by Augusto Paes de Barros in his 2005 presentation about backdoor trends "The future of backdoors - worst of all worlds".The name man-in-the-browser was coined by Philipp Gühring on 27 January 2007.

A MitB Trojan works by utilising common facilities provided to enhance browser capabilities such as Browser Helper Objects (a feature limited to Internet Explorer), browser extensions and user scripts (for example in JavaScript) etc. Antivirus software can detect some of these methods.

In a nutshell example exchange between user and host, e.g. an Internet banking transaction such as a funds transfer, the customer will always be shown, via confirmation screens, the exact payment information as keyed into the browser. The bank, however, will receive a transaction with materially altered instructions, i.e. a different destination account number and possibly amount. The use of strong authentication tools simply creates an increased level of misplaced confidence on the part of both customer and bank that the transaction is secure. Authentication, by definition, is concerned with the validation of identity credentials. This should not be confused with transaction verification.

Man-in-the-browser examples
NameDetailsOperating systemBrowser
Agent.DBJP[WindowsIE, Firefox
BugatWindowsIE, Firefox
Carberptargets Facebook users redeeming e-cash vouchersWindowsIE, Firefox
ChromeInjectGreasemonkey impersonatorWindowsFirefox
GoziWindowsIE, Firefox
OddJobkeeps bank session openWindowsIE, Firefox
SilentbankerWindowsIE, Firefox
SpyEyesuccessor of Zeus, widespread, low detectionWindowsIE, Firefox
Sunspotwidespread, low detectionWindowsIE, Firefox
TatangaWindowsIE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, Maxthon, Netscape, Konqueror
Torpig**WindowsIE, Firefox
URLZone****WindowsIE, Firefox, Opera
Weyland-Yutani BOTcrimeware kit similar to Zeus, not widespread[Mac OS XFirefox
Zeus***widespread, low detectionWindowsIE, Firefox
KeyWindows: IEWindows: IE & Firefox or FirefoxWindows: otherMac OS X: any
*ChromeInject aka ChromeInject.A, ChromeInject.B, Banker.IVX, Inject.NBT, Bancos-BEX, Drop.Small.abw
**Torpig aka Sinowal, Anserin
***Zeus aka ZeuS, Zbot, Wsnpoem, NTOS, PRG, Kneber, Gorhax
****URLZone aka Bebloh!IK, Runner.82176, Monder, ANBR, Sipay.IU, Runner.fq, PWS.y!cy, Zbot.gen20, Runner.J, BredoPk-B, Runner.EQ


Out-of-band transaction verification

A theoretically effective method of combating any MitB attack is through an out-of-band (OOB) transaction verification process. This overcomes the MitB Trojan by verifying the transaction details, as received by the host (bank), to the user (customer) over a channel other than the browser; for example an automated telephone call, SMS, or a dedicated mobile app with graphical cryptogram. OOB transaction verification is ideal for mass market use since it leverages devices already in the public domain (e.g. landline, mobile phone, etc.) and requires no additional hardware devices yet enables three-factor authentication (utilising voice biometrics), transaction signing (to non-repudiation level) and transaction verification. The downside is that the OOB transaction verification adds to the level of the end-user's frustration with more and slower steps.


Mobile phone mobile Trojan spyware man-in-the-mobile (MitMo) can defeat OOB SMS transaction verification.

               • ZitMo (Zeus-In-The-Mobile) is not a MitB Trojan itself (although it performs a similar proxy function on the incoming SMSes), but is mobile malware suggested for installation on a mobile phone by a Zeus infected computer. By intercepting all incoming SMSes, it defeats SMS-based banking OOB two-factor authentication on Windows Mobile, Android, Symbian, BlackBerry. ZitMo may be detected by Antivirus running on the mobile device.
               • SpitMo (SpyEye-In-The-Mobile, SPITMO), is similar to ZitMo.

Web fraud detection

 Web Fraud Detection can be implemented at the bank to automatically check for anomalous behaviour patterns in transactions.


Known Trojans may be detected, blocked and removed by antivirus software. In a 2009 study, the effectiveness of antivirus against Zeus was 23%, and again low success rates were reported in a separate test in 2011. The 2011 report concluded that additional measures on top of antivirus were needed.

Hardened Software

                • Secure Web Browser: Several vendors can now provide a two-factor security solution where a Secure Web Browser is part of the solution. In this case MitB attacks are avoided as the user executes a hardened browser from their two- factor security device rather than executing the "infected" browser from their own machine.
                 • Browser security software: MitB attacks may be blocked by in-browser security software such as Trusteer Rapport for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X which blocks the APIs from browser extensions and controls communication.
                 • Alternative software: Reducing or eliminating the risk of malware infection by using portable applications or using alternatives to Microsoft Windows like Mac OS X, Linux, or mobile OSes Android, iOS, Chrome OS, Windows Mobile, Symbian etc., and/or browsers Chrome, Opera.[30] Further protection can be achieved by running this alternative OS, like Linux, from a non-installed live CD, or Live USB.

See related attacks


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